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Ecuadorian presidential candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, has been shot dead by yet-to-be-identified gunmen. Villavicencio, a former journalist, was gunned down outside a high school in Quito after speaking to young supporters on Wednesday, August 9. Footage shared on social media of the shooting shows the politician walking out of the event surrounded by guards, escorting him …

Turkish customs enforcement teams on Thursday seized 420 kilogrammes of drugs valued at $3 million at Turkey’s Istanbul Airport.

The electing of Zuzana Čaputová as Slovakia’s first female president was greeted Sunday as a vote for change. The 45-year-old environmental lawyer’s clear victory on Saturday over the ruling party’s candidate was a blow to the populist-left Smer-SD — the largest grouping in parliament — and could spell trouble for them in the EU elections …