Young teachers : future of the profession.

teachers mould good future citizens

teaching should be the first choice of our youths

The Lawmaker representing Amuwo Odofin Constituency 1 Hon. Mojisolaoluwa Omokehinde Alli-Macaulay celebrates with teachers today 5th of October 2019 as we celebrate the World Teachers Day.

Every 5th of October has been innovated for teachers to be celebrated worldwide by UNESCO since 1994.

Hon. Mojisola Alli-Macaulay states that teachers does not only teach us lessons from textbooks, but they also teach the lessons of life, in a way it is the latter that finally makes us a fine man or woman, someone who is useful to society and others around you. It is the teachers who mould good future citizens. And having had our mothers who are teachers themselves, we know that all too well. To teachers, all students are their sons and daughters, not just their own children. That is how teachers think. It is a noble, selfless thought.

“Teaching is undoubtedly one of the noblest professions on Earth. Teachers are people worthy of celebrating for what they bring into our lives: knowledge, discipline, values and skills. It is these special people that we will be honouring today on World Teachers’ Day (WTD). Although we should be bearing in mind their contribution to make us what we are today, having a special day helps the society to focus on what more should be done to recognize and reward teachers.” said Hon. Mojisolaoluwa Alli-Macaulay

The Lawmaker whom is fondly called Mama Amuwo calls on government and other education agencies to impart teaching profession in the next generations.

“We call upon governments to make teaching a profession of first choice for young people in accordance to the theme of this year’s celebration which is “Young Teachers :the future of the profession.” We also invite teacher unions, private sector employers, school principals, parent-teacher associations, school management committees, education officials and teacher trainers to share their wisdom and experiences in promoting the emergence of a vibrant teaching force.” said Hon. Mojisolaoluwa.

“Above all, we celebrate the work of dedicated teachers around the world who continue to strive every day to ensure that “inclusive and equitable quality education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all become a reality in every corner of the globe. Happy World Teachers Day.” Hon. Mojisolaoluwa Omokehinde Alli-Macaulay said in her closing remarks.

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