Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met today with the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, on the margins of the 33rd African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Prime Minister spoke about the importance of Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy and the most populous country, as a key bilateral and regional partner for Canada.

The two leaders discussed the growing number of Canadian and Nigerian companies doing business together, with opportunities to do more in sectors related to clean technology, education, infrastructure, and information and communication technology.

They also talked about Nigeria’s important contribution to regional peace and security, and to UN peacekeeping operations.

The Prime Minister expressed concern over the humanitarian situation in northeastern Nigeria, and the plight of the civilian population affected by ongoing insecurity in the Lake Chad Basin.

The Prime Minister and the President spoke about innovative climate action and collaboration to address the devastating environmental degradation associated with climate change.

The two leaders agreed to continue working together to strengthen cooperation on trade and investment, peace and security, and climate change.

(From the home page of the Canadian prime minister)

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