Mandela’s Foundation Rocked By Corruption Scandal

The Nelson Mandela Foundation on Wednesday confirmed that it was investigating allegations against its own senior managers.

The foundation, which seeks to promote the legacy of the world statesman who died in 2013, has been left red-faced after an anonymous complaint from staff members accused Chief Executive Officer, Sello Hatang, and Chief Operations Officer, Limpho Monyamane, of graft.

These allegedly include procurement impropriety and the misuse of the foundation’s credit cards.

Foundation chairman Njabulo Ndebele, said the investigation was initiated in December and it took the allegations seriously and was committed to ensuring a fair and proper outcome.

The foundation said it was committed to transparency and the outcome of the investigation would be made public once a report had been considered by the board.

The foundation was established in 1999 when Mandela stepped down as the President of South Africa.

It seeks to contribute to making a just society by mobilising his legacy, providing public access to information on his life and times, and to convene dialogue on critical social issues.

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