Apatira Inspects The Ongoing Construction Of Borehole in Itelorun Street

The Executive Chairman of Itire-Ikate LCDA, Hon. (Dr.) Ahmed Olanrewaju Apatira accompanied by Secretary of the Local Council, Hon Kehinde Baruwa, Supervisor For Works, Hon. Sameeat Oshin Olowolayemo, SAs embark on an Inspection Tour of On-Going Borehole Construction at Itelorun Street in Itire-Ikate LCDA, on Monday, 22nd July, 2019.

The Chairman, urges the contractor handling the project to ensure best drinking water is constructed for people within the streets and its environ.

Dr. Apatira stated that the construction of the borehole will ameliorate the long sufferings of residents of this axis as regards enjoying portable water

“I will at all time conscientiously ensure my campaign promises is reasonably met by this administration ,” Apatira said.

Residents came out to thank the Chairman for constantly seeing to their yearnings.

The Borehole will be ready for use in Few days time.

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