In Consonance with the axiom that cleanliness is next to godliness which is the impetus propelling the local government authority under the leadership of Hon.Idris Bolaji Muse Ariyoh leaving no stone unturned towards ensuring that Oshodi environment is not only clean and healthy for a living but serve as a threat to cholera and other epidemic outbreak.

The Council Boss upon assuming office due to his desire to ensure that Oshodi environs are clean and healthy for living waste no time in hitting ground running by flagging off “OPERATION CLEAN UP OSHODI” as a proactive mechanism to combat dirty environment and also to create awareness and enforcement of sanitation laws which in no immeasurable way yielded a desirable result in maintaining a clean environment in Oshodi.

Constant routine check on drainages through which desilt and carting away of waste were done is another effort of the local government in maintaining a healthy and cleaner environment which has been accompanied with a recognition as the local government was adjudged as the”MOST CLEAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ” by Lagos state Environmental platform coupled with other awards received on the giant stride of the Council Chairman on Environment.

The local government authority effort with unwavering commitment for a clean environment goes beyond just lip service as the department of environmental services of the local government were equipped with the necessary apparatus needed to perform effectively.

The effort of Hon. Idris Bolaji Muse Ariyoh in the last 24 months has been responsible for the sustenance of a clean and healthy environment despite the challenges of refuse disposal and waste management that confronted the state some time ago due to change in policy yet, despite the huge waste generated in Oshodi due to his metropolitan nature was never a challenge in Oshodi courtesy of commitment and passion for a friendly environment by the Council helmsman and his team on environment.
Recently, some culverts and drainages were repaired to enhance free flow of water while some were desilted to allow free channel drainage system before the rainy season while Apakun canal was recently evacuated to bring succor to residents of about eight streets who annually are prone to experiencing flooding.

Some drainages within the streets of Oshodi-Isolo local government community have also been cleared to ensure connectivity to their main source which is also an effort of government in ensuring that no part of the community experience flooding

In beautifying Oshodi and making it green, the Local Government placing a premium on tree planting as a plan to make Oshodi attractive and nature-friendly. No wonder the annual tree planting day was taken out of the Local Government secretariat to Odalume street in shogunle where some trees were planted to beautify the environment.

The effective, swift mechanism and strategy always deploy by the Department of the Environmental services no doubt had prevented much environmental havoc ought to occur due to the fact that the Council authority stance in realizing a cleaner and healthier community is non-negotiable

Ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment is our collective reponsibilities, don’t dump refuse indiscriminately and think of the consequences of blocked drainages by your action.

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